Weeks 9-10 (S2)
This period takes us to the midway point in the semester. We are using this time for reflection and an opportunity to do mid-semester evaluations for each Project Lead
New Structure
In our most recent leadership meeting we had each Project Lead go over their original goals and the scope of the project and compare their progress to it. Based off of these results we redistributed a lot of our efforts and changed team dynamics. All teams have revised their semester expectations.
Research Reviews (Lead, Harrison Canning) - This team has been disbanded and redistributed into a content management team. Instead of writing research papers, the team will write short blog pieces, produce videos, and be in charge of web development, social media, and events.
Robotics (Lead Hillary Li) - This team has been disbanded. Robotics will now fall under the Hardware Team
Thought Keyboard (Lead, Forrest Shooster) - This team will have its activities temporarily haulted while we wait for the Machine Learning and Hardware teams to produce. Forrest's influence and expertise will continue to be felt through all of the teams as he transitions into a general advisory role.
Machine Learning Team (Lead, Bahdah Shin) - This team will be receiving a secondary lead to assist Bahdah in increasing the pace of the group, improving communication, and efficiency
Hardware Team (Lead, Russell Cobb) - This team has expanded significantly
Other News
Research Specialist and General Advisor, Forrest Shooster, attended the 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). His experiences and connections will be documented in the next update.
We met and received advisory from Dr. Bill Brewer (Link) and look forward to working with him in the future.
This Period's Accomplishments & Events
Sadly Carmen Navas-Davis had to leave for health reasons.
Team restructuring and re-assigning of roles
We want to focus our members on fewer projects so they can accomplish more.
Game controller and Game teams have been approved for their Imagine RIT booth
General booth for other teams is still awaiting approval.
Game team: prototype for networking and audio, engine optimization, ordered Xbox One, work on new map.
Prosthetics team will have someone in the lab on Friday to get measured and fitted for a prosthetic arm
Still waiting for materials from Dubai for game controller and wheelchair projects.
Research Team will change into the content team and will be responsible for these updates in the future.
Andrew Chabot joins the team and will help on the fabrics project
Magree Wang joins the fabric team to assist in sewing
Jane Brennan joins the team as a design consultant
Freddy Stock joins the team to help on the game project